Girl Scouts Learn About Public Relations
Sponsored by PRSA Houston, the workshop teaches Girl Scouts the basic terminology of the profession and helps them recognize aspects of public relations that they see and hear in their every day life.
I am especially thankful to Natalie Young, Vinnika Johnson and Vannessa Wade for their leadership in making this workshop possible.
An exciting part of the workshop, which was launched in 2006, is an image discussion, where Girl Scouts list both well-known and no-so-well known aspects of Girl Scouting. The girls then work in teams to put together a small campaign around increasing awareness for one concept or program.
For example, one group focused entirely on promoting the Mariners Program that exists through the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council (see image at left).
Other groups chose to focus on the travel opportunities that Girl Scouting brings, as well as the opportunities for camping, backpacking and rock climbing. The theme of the day: Girl Scouting is More Than Cookies!
I would like to thank Melinda Gaskill, program manager for the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council, for recognizing me with the Council's Outstanding Volunteer Award at the start of the workshop and to all the girls who signed my special photo frame and took part in the presentation. I believe in the mission of Girl Scouting and enjoy every second of every workshop that I have helped develop.
An exciting part of the workshop, which was launched in 2006, is an image discussion, where Girl Scouts list both well-known and no-so-well known aspects of Girl Scouting. The girls then work in teams to put together a small campaign around increasing awareness for one concept or program.
Other groups chose to focus on the travel opportunities that Girl Scouting brings, as well as the opportunities for camping, backpacking and rock climbing. The theme of the day: Girl Scouting is More Than Cookies!
I would like to thank Melinda Gaskill, program manager for the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council, for recognizing me with the Council's Outstanding Volunteer Award at the start of the workshop and to all the girls who signed my special photo frame and took part in the presentation. I believe in the mission of Girl Scouting and enjoy every second of every workshop that I have helped develop.
We are already planning another PR Interest Project Award Workshop for the summer that will focus on the newly-opened Goodykoontz Museum of Girl Scout History. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer!